Posted in Reading and Writing, Tags

Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag

I have decided that I want to make “Tag Tuesday” a regular thing. So, for today’s post, I am doing the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag. I did this tag last year around the same time and thought it would be both fun and appropriate (especially considering it is the middle of the year and I am completely freaking out).

1. The best book of the year so far…


Absolutely LOVED this book (if choosing it for this question didn’t clue you in). Highly, highly, highly recommend this audiobook. The narrator is fantastic. The story is so unique and the characters are very well developed. You can see my full review here.


2. The best sequel of the year so far…


A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab. I don’t really have a lot of options for this question since I haven’t read very many sequels, but I decided this would be the best choice. I didn’t enjoy the first half of the book but once I got over halfway through, I was sucked in and finished the end of it in one sitting. It was a lot of fun and I can’t wait to get into the third and final book in the trilogy. You can read the full review of the first book here.


3. A New Release You Haven’t Read Yet but Want to…

cruel prince

I received this book in an Owlcrate Box and am really disappointed that I haven’t read it yet. I just finished reading The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black and really enjoyed it. I can’t wait to get my eyes on this one (that sounded weird).


4. Most Anticipated Release for the Second Half of the Year…

what us

I absolutely love Becky Albertalli and while I haven’t read anything by Adam Silvera, I have several of his books on my shelf that I am dying to read. I am interested in seeing how they work together since their writing styles are so different.


5. Biggest Disappointment of the Year So Far…


For those of you who don’t know, this is the second trilogy set in the Mistborn world, 100-something years after the events of the original trilogy. The original Mistborn trilogy is probably my favorite adult fantasy series of all time and I was so excited to read this book. While I didn’t hate it, I just wanted and expected so much more from this story. This book is set in a futuristic wild west with magic and it just wasn’t for me.


6. Biggest Surprise of the Year So Far…

girl die.jpg

I read The Girl I Used to Be by April Henry and it wasn’t terrible, I gave it 3/5 stars. So, when I read this one I expected it to be about the same, but I have to admit this book sucked me in from the very first page and I finished it in one sitting. If you haven’t read anything by this author or you read another book and didn’t enjoy it as much, I highly recommend giving this one a try. A full review will definitely be coming soon.


7. A New Favorite Author…


While this is the only book I’ve read by this author, I have a hard time believing that I will love his other books as well. I actually had his Unwind series on my bookshelf but unhauled it a while ago and regret that decision immensely.


8. New Favorite Character

I am actually going to combine this question with #9 which is New Fictional Crush and that is Rhy from the A Darker Shade of Magic series. Rhy is someone who is loved by everyone, he wants to be a great King, brother, son, boyfriend, friend, etc. I love his attitude and personality. I can’t wait to see how his story ends. I also wouldn’t mind an entire series around him.


10. A Book That Made You Cry…

I actually don’t have a book for this one. It takes a lot for a book to make me cry, but I also haven’t read any sad books recently. If you have any really good ones you recommend I would love to hear them. I am planning on reading More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera soon. So, hopefully, I will have an answer for this book next time.


11. A Book that Made You Happy…


This book was so much fun, I laughed so much, the story was so fun, I enjoyed this more than I have anything in a while. I highly recommend the audiobook if you haven’t read it. I listened to the audiobook then went online the same day and ordered a physical copy for my shelves. You can read my full review here.


12. The Most Beautiful Book of the Year So Far…


For this one, I decided to choose a book that both came out this year and I read this year because there are just so many I could choose and it’s hard to narrow it down. Loved this book and love this cover. Beautiful on the inside and out.


13. Some Books To Read Before the End of the Year…

I could literally just had a picture of my entire bookshelf and call that my answer to this question. But, I decided to choose two books that if I read nothing else, these two would be the ones I would read. I don’t think I need to say more.

godsgrave           unrequited


14. Tag Someone…

I tag EVERYONE because this tag is so much fun and I think everyone should do it. I would love to know your answers to these questions. So, if you do/have done this tag, I would love to know down below in the comments.




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